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Early March Golden Years

VAT reductions from Living Needs

Living Needs has some exciting news for those who are aged over 60 or registered with a disability.  You could be entitled to VAT reductions on mobility aids and bathroom adaptations.

Many people are unaware that there are VAT reductions on lots of goods for the over 60’s, and if you have a long term illness or are registered with a disability, then you may not have to pay VAT at all.

What services can be bought with 0% VAT?

Zero rated VAT applies to goods and services that are of practical help because of your disability. The reduction can also apply to building works including access ramps, wheelchair lifts and bathroom adaptations.

What VAT reductions are available for the over 60’s?

If you are aged over 60 and you have a qualifying mobile aid supplied and fitted in your home you may be eligible to pay a reduced rate of just 5% VAT. Items that may qualify for the reduction include:

  • Grab rails
  • Ramps
  • Bath Lifts
  • Shower seats and showers containing seats
  • Walk-in baths

How can I get the reduced rate?

Your supplier should know about VAT reductions and most will ask for a simple signed declaration form.  Living Needs, your local home adaptation specialists in Barnstaple, have all the information necessary regarding eligibility.  

Living Needs Solutions

At Living Needs we understand that everyone’s needs are individual, we offer a free, no obligation, home survey as well as a full design and installation service to create a completely bespoke bathroom that suits all your personal requirements for now and the years to come.  One of our main areas of expertise is creating slip-resistant shower areas. By either using specialist shower trays such as the new soft-touch shower tray that has natural slip-resistant properties, or creating a wet floor area with slip-resistant vinyl, Living Needs can design a bathroom that helps you to maintain your bathing independence.

If you would like more information on VAT reductions or Living Needs home adaptation service, call us on 01271 374600 or visit our showroom at Mill Road, Barnstaple.  Open Monday to Saturday from 9am – 5pm.